Where can I get a Pumpkin powder

  Where can I get a Pumpkin powder? For many people, this is a strange medicine, and here's the introduction to it:
  Pumpkin powder is the powder of the pumpkin. Pumpkin powder is rich in carbohydrates, protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, carotenoids, pectin, and rich in trace elements such as potassium, iron, magnesium, and citrulline and arginine and some enzymes is very beneficial to human body, fat content is very low. It has protective effect to the insulin cells, may lead to blood pressure in patients with diabetes, blood sugar, pectin in the second pumpkin powder can delay intestinal uptake of sugar and lipid, neutralization, part removes heavy metals and pesticides, and can help the patients with liver and kidney function abate strengthen kidney cells regeneration ability. In addition, pumpkin powder contains a large number of SOJ factors, including longevity, beauty and beauty, especially for women.